Our Story


Dream it.

Co-founders, April and Rachel, met in 2000 through Teen Mania Ministries. April dreamed of seeing at-risk youth find restoration and wholeness. Rachel desired to advance the Kingdom of God, first starting with her family. In 2010, April encouraged and supported Rachel in the adoption of her nephew. They began identifying gaps in the church and behavioral health community. They shared their stories and documented the need for more support. The initial concept of House of Legacy, Inc. was birthed.

Build it.

Co-founders shared resources and information with other parents about raising children with behavioral challenges. They reached out to their church community for advisors to help formalize these efforts. April and Rachel returned to college and completed Bachelors degrees in 2013. April also adopted a child this year. Rachel continued her education to complete a Masters in Social Work in 2017. A holistic approach to support families and youth by merging Biblical and behavioral health concepts of healing emerged.

Realize it.

In August 2017, the House of Legacy, Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit with the state of Nevada and formed the initial board. The founding board consisted of individuals who had acted as advisors over the previous 7 years (from dream to reality). The House of Legacy, Inc. board began the tedious process of creating the required infrastructure of a new nonprofit. In 2020, they obtained their 501(c)(3) status. Services will begin in Fall 2020. These services will be expanding to reach the fullness of the dream.


Our Core Beliefs


Statement of Faith.

  • We believe in a Creator God who intimately designed each of us for a specific purpose.

  • We believe God knows us and desires to be known by us.

  • We believe it is through intimacy with our Creator that our potential is revealed and wholeness is achieved.

  • We believe in the triune God (Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit) who is both practical and holistic. He understands our weakness, yet has knitted us together so He knows our potential.

  • We believe stability comes from learning and applying Biblical principles to one’s life.

  • We believe everyone has been created for a purpose and is meant to contribute to society in meaningful ways that spread Light and Hope to others.

  • We believe the journey to wholeness is personal and individual. The intimate nature of God’s revelation to mankind has many expressions in individuals, communities, cultures, and throughout the world.

The Vision.

In a secure environment we will bring truth and comfort to children and families from diverse backgrounds struggling with behavioral challenges, equipping them to discover their innate destiny and develop legacies of hope.

Guiding Principles.

  • God created us unique and each of us with a purpose

  • Healing should be practical by being holistic. God desires wholeness, as He created us to be

  • Everyone’s greatest potential is revealed through personal relationship with Christ

  • God desires us to function and contribute in our communities as representatives of Him


Birthed in 2011 and established in 2017. Equipping individuals and families to discover their innate destiny and develop legacies of hope.